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雅思口语考试话题题库 雅思口语范文5篇

  • 刘姿婷
  • 2024-10-18 20:05:28


雅思口语考试话题题库 雅思口语范文5篇



雅思口语考试话题题库 雅思口语范文5篇





? Do you like your name?

? Does your name have any special meaning?

? What kinds of names are popular in China?

? Are there many Chinese people who have the same name as you?

? Is there any tradition in naming babies?

2.Your Work& Your Studies?

? What work do you do?

? Why did you choose to do that kind of work?

? Do you like your job??

? What is the most challenging thing in your job?

? Do you miss being a student?

? What is your major?

? What subject(s) are you studying?

? Do you like your subject?

? Why did you choose to study that subject?

? Is it very interesting?

? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

? Are you looking forward to working?


? What's (the name of) your hometown (again)?

? Is that a big city or a small place?

? Please describe your hometown a little.

? How long have you lived there?

? Do you like it?

? Do you like living there?

? What do you like (most) about your hometown?

? Is there anything you dislike about it?

? Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

? Do you plan to continue living there?

? Where would you like to live??


? Can you describe the place where you live?

? How long have you lived there?

? Who do you live with?

? Do you plan to live there for a long time?

? Do you think the place you live is a good place for families with kids?? ?

? What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?

? Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

? In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

? What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to?

live in?

? What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

? Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

? What part of your home do you like the most?

? Are the transport facilities to your home very good??



? Do you like to wear sunglasses?

? How often do you wear sunglasses?

? Have you ever lost any sunglasses?

? Will you buy sunglasses as a gift?

? Will you buy expensive sunglasses?

? Which type of sunglasses do you like?

? Where can you buy sunglasses?

? Do people in your country wear sunglasses?

6.Drinking water

? Do you like drinking water

? How often do you drink water?

? What kinds of water do you like to drink?

? Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines??


7.Rainy days

? Do you like rainy days?

? What do you do on rainy days??

? Do you prefer dry or wet living environment?

? Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)?

? Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much??

? When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown??

? In which season does it rain most in other parts of China??

? Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?


? Do you have a favourite teacher?

? Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

? What kinds of teachers do you like?

? Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?

? Can you describe your high school teacher?

? What's the difference between young and old teachers?


? Do you like to watch sports on TV?

? Do you play any sports?

? Do you have a favourite sports star?

? What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

? What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?

? Do you want to attend Olympic Games?


? Do you often use maps?

? Who taught you how to use a map?

? Do you prefer electronic maps or paper maps?

11.Save money?

? Did you save money when you were young?

? Have you ever given money to other children?

? Do you think parents should teach children to save money?

? Do parents give children pocket money in your country?


? Do you keep plants at home?

? What plant did you grow when you were young?

? Do you know anything about growing a plant?

? Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?

13.Foreign food?

? Have you ever tried foreign food?

? Do you like to try new food?

? What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

? What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

? Do you like any food from the countries close to your country?

? Do you think old people like foreign food? Why?


? Do you like music? Why / why not?

? What's your favourite kind of music? Why???

? Which type of music do you do you like to listen to???

? When do you listen to music?

? Have you ever been to a concert before?

? How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

? Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?

? Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?

? Do you play any instruments?


? How often do you buy others gifts?

? Do you like to send expensive gifts?

? What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

? Why do people send gifts?


? Do people still wear watches in your country?

? What was your first watch like?

? How often do you wear a watch?

? What kinds of watches do you like to wear?


What form of transport do you usually use?

Why did you choose that form of transport?

What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?

What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?

What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?

Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?

How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decade? ?Can you compare the advantages and disadvantages of planes and trains?

? When was the last time you took a taxi?

?Do you think it is important to learn driving?


18.Being bored

What will you do when you feel bored?

When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?

What kinds of things are boring to you?

Do you think young people are more likely to get bored?


 Do you write many letters?

 Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

What do you usually write about?

 Who do you usually write to?

Is it hard to think of what to write?

How do you feel when you receive a letter?

Do you think people will still write letters in the future??


Do you watch movies?

How often do you watch movies?

What kind of movies do you like?

Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?

Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?

Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?

Did you often watch films/movies when you were a kid?

Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and? ?the ones you watched when you were a child?


1.Describe a sport you are good at: Tennis

I would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among all the popular sports. Tennis is popular all over the world, especially loved by teenagers. There is a comic book named, Prince of Tennis, illustrated by a Japanese artist. The spread of this book made tennis more popular.

The spirit of tennis is practice makes perfect, and we should never give up. When I was in sixth grade, I began to learn how to play tennis because I was a fan of the comic book. When I play tennis, I will devote myself to it. I have entered for many tennis competitions. I like winning so the procedure seems exciting. At that time, I was not good at sports. But after playing tennis, my PE grades became the best in my class.

Because of tennis, I learned that I should never give up when I face difficulties. I still have lots more to work on. Tennis is my favorite outdoor sport.


I recently watched a movie called Starstruck, which was a Disney movie, talking about how a famous pop star, Christopher, fell in love with an ordinary girl, Jessica. The movie was filmed in Los Angeles and was on in February 2010, not too old.

I chose it because of the ranking, but when I actually watched it, I realized that it was a teen’s movie. However, I didn’t regret watching it because I think I learned something from the movie. It is interesting because it sees celebrity life from another angle and tells us that we are blessed to be common people because there is more freedom for us to enjoy. In the film, it shows us how hard it might be when a person can’t make his own choices and decisions. At that point, material wealth will not matter to them because they can’t live their life the way they really want to.

It helped me to reflect on my own life. Now I see I should just enjoy my life because everyone has the right to enjoy his or her life no matter who he or she is.

3. A traditional story :Chang’e and Houyi

Chang'e is the Chinese goddess of the moon. The lunar exploration-orbiting spacecraft Chang'e 1 is named after her.

According to legend, Chang'e and her husband Houyi were immortals living in heaven. One day, the ten sons of the Jade Emperor transformed into ten suns, causing the earth to scorch. Having failed to order his sons to stop ruining the earth, the Jade Emperor summoned Houyi for help. Houyi, using his legendary archery skills, shot down nine of the sons, but spared one son to be the sun. The Jade Emperor was obviously not pleased with Houyi's solution to save the earth: nine of his sons were dead. As punishment, the Jade Emperor banished Houyi and Chang'e to live as mere mortals on earth.

Seeing that Chang'e felt extremely miserable over her loss of immortality, Houyi decided to journey on a long, perilous quest to find the pill of immortality so that the couple could be immortals again. At the end of his quest he met the Queen Mother of the West who agreed to give him the pill, but warned him that each person would only need half the pill tobecome immortal.

Houyi brought the pill home and stored it in a case. He warned Chang'e not to open the case and then left home for a while. Chang'e became too curious: she opened up the case and found the pill just as Houyi was returning home. She either accidentally or purposely swallowed the pill. She started to float into the sky because of the overdose. Chang'e kept on floating until she landed on the moon.

While she became lonely on the moon without her husband, she did have company,a jade rabbit.

4. A favorite subject

I think the most interesting subject in my high school is geography. I have a dream to travel around the world since I was a child. At that time, I would always wonder where exactly some famous cities were on the map, such as London, New York, so I am really interested in geography.

I had a great geography teacher in my high school.

She was knowledgeable, hard-working and devoted to the students. I always felt very excited when I had geography classes because I couldn’t wait to learn more about the world. Besides that, I also liked reading atlas and other books about geography during my spare time. I would always have good marks/grades on geography throughout my high school years.

When I talk about geography with my classmates or even parents, I can always impress them with my knowledge. I still like geography and hope I can travel around the world in the future.

5. sports :Jogging

Nowadays many people spend too much time indoors working or studying, but outdoor activities are very important for us to keep healthy. I like many outdoor activities, especially jogging.

I often jog in the park near my home on sunny days. I can listen to music and breathe the fresh air while I jog so I can feel really relaxed. When I jog in the park, I can also see the green trees and beautiful flowers. I can feel close to the nature. It’s also a good time for me to think important things in life. I feel it’s an important part of my daily life. Sometimes, I would ask my friends or parents to join me. It’s also a good time to communicate with others. It’s a simple activity; you only need a pair of good sneakers. It’s also suitable for many people, from children to old people. They can enjoy this activity.

I think everybody should do some outdoor activities because it’s a great way to help us get close to the nature. It’s not only good for our physical fitness but also good for our mental health.




1.The reason for this is not far to seek.

2.The reasons for this are as follows.

3.We have good reason to believe that...


1.It has the following advantages.

2.It benefits us quite a lot.

3.It is of great benefit to us.


1.It has more disadvantages than advantages.

2.It is reported/estimated/said/thought/believed that….

3.It does us much harm than another.


1.We should solve the problems that we are confronted with...

2.We should take some effective measures.

3.In other words/Namely/To put it another way/ That is to say, ….


1.It is good to learn at another man's cost.


2.No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.


3.One today is worth two tomorrows.


4.Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.


5.Take time when time cometh,lest time steal away.



雅思口语怎么练习?找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:学校百科,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的雅思外教可以选择,而且还有前雅思高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟雅思考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让我感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。我长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,我也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。


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